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The Englishman's Greek Concordance of New Testament

The Englishman's Greek Concordance of New Testament

The Englishman's Greek Concordance of New Testament: Coded with Strong's Concordance Numbers 
By: George V. Wigram 
ISBN-10: 1565632079 ISBN-13: 9781565632073 
Publisher: Hendrickson Publishers, Inc. - 1996-07-01
Hardcover | Subsequent Edition | 1072 Pages | Dimensions: 9.3 x 6.9 x 1.8 inches

The Englishman's Greek Concordance of the New Testament originally appeared in 1839, the result of years of labor for several Greek scholars. Since its appearance, this unique concordance has helped generations of English-speaking Bible students to better understand the New Testament. Englishman's Greek gives the reader with no knowledge of Greek, unprecedented insight into the Greek words used by the New Testament writers. For those who do know Greek, Englishman's Greek serves as a handy reference for a quick scan of a given Greek word's occurrences in the New Testament.The present volume is based upon the ninth edition of 1903 with the addition of the numbering system from Strong's Exhaustive Concordance. Additional corrections of errors and misprintings found in this ninth edition have also been made. The Greek and English indexes have been retained at the back of this volume, and the section on proper names has also been coded to Strong's numbers. In addition, a new index of out-of-sequence Strong's numbers allows the reader to quickly and easily locate any word by its Strong number.

9781565632073  Paperback white $39.99



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