Quicknotes Bible Concordance (QuickNotes Commentaries)
By: George W. Knight
ISBN-10: 1602604436 ISBN-13: 9781602604438
Publisher: Barbour Books - 2009-04-01
Paperback | 352 Pages | Dimensions: 6.8 x 4.6 x 0.9 inches
Here's the perfect tool for understanding scripture
better-the QuickNotes Bible Concordance, providing more than
1,1000 entries and 10,000 references for the most significant
verses of the Bible! Based on the King James Version, the
QuickNotes Bible Concordance also features helpful phrase
entries (for example, "Seek the Lord" and "Eternal Life,") and
key word indicators (for example, "Faith Chapter of the Bible"
and "Plagues Against Egypt"). With all entries carefully
selected for their biblical significance, the QuickNotes Bible
Concordance is an excellent resource for everyday Bible study.