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Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible

Hasting's Dictionary of Bible, 1 Vol

by James Hastings 
ISBN-10: 0943575222    ISBN-13: 9780943575223
Publisher: Hendrickson Publishers, Incorporated - January 1989
Format: Hardcover
Price: $24.95
Binding: hardcover
Size: 6.75 x 9.5
Pages: 1008
Pub Date: 1989
Categories: General Reference Works; Biblical Studies and Interpretation
Complete, trustworthy, and portable, Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible is an indispensable reference for all readers of the Bible. For nearly a century, lay people and scholars alike have valued both the authoritative contents and the convenient format of this one-volume work.
Here are just a few reasons Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible has generally been considered the best single-volume Bible dictionary:
  1. Important events, biblical doctrines, and theological concepts are treated completely and concisely
  2. Bold-faced cross references point the reader easily to related articles
  3. Accessible to all, the articles are comprehensive but non-technical
  4. Explains all the proper names mentioned in the Old Testament, New Testament, and Apocrypha
0943575222 Hardcover white $24.95



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