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Popular Survey of the New Testament, A

Popular Survey of the New Testament, A

Popular Survey of the New Testament, A
Norman L. Geisler

Price: $34.99 
ISBN: 978-0-8010-1299-0 
ISBN-10: 0-8010-1299-6 
Dimensions: 6 x 9 
Number of pages: 384 
Publication Date: Nov. 07 
Formats: Hardcover 

Understanding the New Testament is a daunting but exciting task. Our world is so different from that of the first century. The dress, travel, vocation, and custom of biblical characters are all foreign to us. Yet it is important to understand the context and content of the New Testament if we are to be faithful followers of Jesus Christ. 

A Popular Survey of the New Testament is designed to help ordinary people enrich their understanding of New Testament people and events. It addresses many questions that readers of the Bible may have, such as:

Who wrote the books of the New Testament and to whom were they writing? 
When were these books written and why? 
How can a warning about first-century Gnostics help Christians today? 
What can today's believers get out of a letter about a slave returning to his master? 
How can we tell if what is written in the New Testament is true history or just mythology? 
Illustrated throughout with color photos, charts, and maps, and written in an easy, informal style, this survey is accessible and enjoyable to anyone who wants to better understand the New Testament.


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