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Apostolic Fathers, The, 3rd ed.

Apostolic Fathers, The, 3rd ed.: Greek Texts and English Translations

Apostolic Fathers, The, 3rd ed.:
Greek Texts and English Translations
Michael W. Holmes

Price: $42.99 
ISBN: 978-0-8010-3468-8 
ISBN-10: 0-8010-3468-X 
Dimensions: 5 x 7.25 
Number of pages: 832 
Publication Date: Nov. 07 
Formats: Hardcover 

"A landmark volume. . . . The presentation is magnificent, the attention to detail first class, and the actual contents repay close study. This book is an essential addition to the libraries of all interested in the history of early Christianity, and even if one owns an earlier edition it is now time to update one's library with this highly significant volume."--Paul Foster, Expository Times

Following the recent publication of his revised translations in The Apostolic Fathers in English, 3rd ed., Michael Holmes, a leading expert on these texts, offers a thoroughly revised and redesigned bilingual edition, featuring Greek (or Latin) and English on facing pages. Introductions and bibliographies are generous and up to date. In the textual apparatus, existing notes have been revised and expanded, and well over two hundred new notes have been added. This handsome and handy one-volume, thin-paper edition, with a ribbon marker and reader-friendly page layout, will be an essential resource for New Testament students and scholars. 




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