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History of the Christian Church
by Henry C. Sheldon

History of the Christian Church

History of the Christian Church
by philip schaff

ISBN-10: 0943575001    ISBN-13: 9780943575001
Publisher: Hendrickson Publishers, Incorporated - May 1988
Format: Hardcover - REPRINT
Price: $99.95
Size: 5.375 x 8
Binding: hardcover
Pages: 2752
Pub Date: 1988
Volumes in Series: 5
Categories: Church History;

A reprint of a classic reference work, this set fills a significant need for a reasonably priced yet thorough and more up-to-date church history. Volume 1 covers the Early Church, Volume 2 covers the Medieval Church, and Volumes 3 through 5 cover the Modern Church. Sheldon gives extensive attention to the post-Reformation period.




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