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Q and the History of Early Christianity: Studies on Q
by Christopher M. Tuckett

Q and the History of Early Christianity: Studies on Q

Q and the History of Early Christianity: Studies on Q
by Christopher M. Tuckett

ISBN: 156563246X
Price: $29.95
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Binding: cloth
Pages: 512
Pub Date: 1996

Categories: Church History

A wide-ranging examination of the key issues in Q studies.

After seeking to establish the existence of Q, Professor Tuckett proceeds to analyze the characteristic features of the Q material. He explores not only what we can learn about the possible 'theology' of Q, but also what we can learn about the social situation of the Christians who valued and preserved this material.

There are discussions of John the Baptist in Q, the eschatology and Christology of Q, the nature of the polemic in Q.

An attempt is made to determine how far Q is a wisdom text and how far Q reflects Cynic ideas.

This work will be of interest to all New Testament scholars and students interested in the Q tradition, the earliest history of Jesus traditions and early Christianity in general.



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