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The New Analytical Greek Lexicon

The New Analytical Greek Lexicon

The New Analytical Greek Lexicon

By: Wesley J. Perschbacher
ISBN-10: 0943575338 ISBN-13: 9780943575339
Publisher: Hendrickson Publishers - 1990-12-01
Hardcover | 512 Pages | Dimensions: 9.4 x 7 x 1.1 inches

Since its publication in 1852, George Wigram's Analytical Greek Lexicon has gone through a host of revisions and titles as succeeding generations of Greek scholars have sought to improve on it. Unfortunately, none of those revisions fully corrected the troublesome parts that frustrate modern users: some entries are incompletely parsed, others incorrectly identify the lexical form, others are inconsistent in identifying forms, and still others are out of alphabetical order.
In The New Analytical Greek Lexicon, every entry has been rechecked and revised. In addition to correcting the problems mentioned above, other improvements include: misspellings have been corrected; unnecessary duplicate entries have been removed; textual variants and alternative readings have been noted and identified; New Testament references have been added for similar and identical forms having two or more parsing; references to the numbering used in Strong's concordance have been added to facilitate study and cross-referencing for the less technical user; and the introductory grammar section has been updated.

The entire Lexicon has been retype set in a clear, modern typeface making it easier to read. This accurate new edition will certainly become a standard reference for Greek students and all those wishing to better understand the Greek New Testament.

0943575338 Hardcover white $29.95



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