Pocket Signs - Where Was God? - Package of
Signs of the Times Special Issue
Price: US $6.99 Quantity
Paperback Booklet 8 pages Copyright: 2002
Pacific Press Publishing Association UPC: 4333002878
Pocket SIGNS delivers one truth-filled article from the
full-sized, 32-page monthly SIGNS, in a convenient 8-page
"zine-ette" that can be slipped in a book, purse, or pocket.
Where Was God? is designed to console those who wonder where
is God? when tragedy strikes. Topics covered in other Pocket
Signs are: the Bible, prophecy, salvation, the Sabbath, the
state of the dead, and prayer. Include one with your bill
payments, leave in public phone booths, on buses or trains,
in airports-it's so easy to share! Order Pocket SIGNS today!
Price shown is for package of 100. Not sold singly