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Just Generosity, 2nd ed

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Just Generosity, 2nd ed.: A New Vision for Overcoming Poverty in America
Ronald J. Sider

Foreword: Foreword by Charles W. Colson and John J. DiIulio Jr. 
Price: $17.99 
ISBN: 978-0-8010-6613-9 
ISBN-10: 0-8010-6613-1 
Dimensions: 6 x 9 
Number of pages: 352 
Publication Date: Mar. 07 
Formats: Paperback 

In this new edition of Just Generosity, Ron Sider, author of the bestselling Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger, calls believers to care as much about the poor as Jesus did. Sider's first edition was cited as a Christianity Today Book Award winner and as one of the Top Ten Books in Religion by Booklist. Here he updates his comprehensive yet accessible agenda of ways to reduce poverty in the United States. Using poignant stories to engage the heart and well-documented facts to convince the mind, Sider presents a nonpartisan corrective to poverty in the United States. These concrete suggestions will be an invaluable help to those who wish to understand and join political debates over poverty. 
0801066131 Paperback White $17.99



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