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Java Time! For Women

Java Time! For Women

Author: Anne Johns
ISBN:  1581690967
Publisher: Evergreen Press (AL) - July, 2002
Format: Paperback

A River of Hope —Amy Lynn

There is a river of hope. Let the journey begin!

Do you ever feel as if life has somehow passed you by? Are you lonely, frightened, disappointed, and exhausted? Do you feel abandoned? Millions of women struggle with the burdens of depression and anxiety.
A River of Hope is designed to heal these torn emotions, flowing through the brokenhearted, bringing strength.

We are all beautifully and wonderfully made, created to experience joy and happiness. Unfortunately, we do not always see and feel these great realities. We are held down. We want to be happy and free, but find ourselves struggling to survive. The journey seems arduous, the seasons empty. But there is hope!

This devotional book will lift your spirit and emotions day by day with each inspiring passage. Every page is written with care to lift your mind above the trials and circumstances that bring you down. It will lead you into a more intimate relationship with God who is the lasting source of happiness and peace. Your journey can be made anew. It is time to heal and rejoice!

1581690967 Paper white $16.99




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