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Women in the Church

Few subjects have stirred up as much controversy in recent years as that of the role of women in the church. Much of the controversy centers on the interpretation of crucial Biblical passages.

In the book Women in the Church Dr. Samuele Bacchiocchi provides a much needed balanced interpretation and application of the overall Biblical teachings on the role of women in the church. With compelling research he shows that while Scripture excludes women from serving in the representative role of priests, elders or pastors, it does include them in the supportive ministries of the church and in participation in public worship. The reason for this Biblical distinction derives not from the cultural conventions of the times, but from the distinct and yet complementary roles for men and women established by God at creation.

The book has forewords by two New Testament scholars, Prof. Wayne Grudem of Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Deerfield, Illinois and Prof. James B. Hurley of Reformed Theological Seminary in Jackson, Mississippi. In his foreword Prof. Grudem writes: "This is an extremely valuable book for anyone interested in the current debate over women’s role in the church. I think it will clear up much of the confusion people feel over this issue today."

The book has been favorably reviewed by scholars of various denominations and has been adopted as a text book by numerous theological seminaries.






BP-WC Softcover white $20.00



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