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The Coming Storm

The Coming Storm 

The Coming Storm

Series: Z Graphic Novels / Kingdoms: A Biblical Epic
Format: Soft Cover 
List Price: $4.99
Page Count: 160
ISBN: 9780310861423
Weight: 1 lb | 453 gms
Available: September 2009
Publisher: Zondervan

Product Details for The Coming Storm

When the Egyptian Pharaoh Neco kills Judah’s king Josiah, it sets off a clash as to who will become the new king of Judah. When the unrighteous Jehoahaz is selected as the new king, Josiah’s head advisor grieves for the path to exile that they have unwittingly begun to walk in this first volume of the manga-style series written by Ben Avery and illustrated by Matt Broome.

A Godly King Makes a Deadly Choice. Josiah, the king of Judah, is alerted that the massive Egyptian army is marching across his land to help Assyria fight Babylon. Ignoring the advice of Iddo, his faithful advisor, Josiah attacks Pharaoh’s army. As the king charges recklessly into battle disguised as a soldier, Iddo can only watch the vicious combat, fearing the worst and wondering what chain of events has been set into motion. Will Judah be crushed between the empires that surround it?




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