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Traditional Certificates for Special Occasions
Contemporary Certificates for Special Occasions
Traditional Certificates of Appreciation
Full-size 8 1/2" x 11". Beautiful full-color certificates to commemorate special occasions in the church. A variety of designs from traditional to contemporary. Printed on high-quality paper. Ideal for framing.
There are many reasons that one is expected to give a Certificate of Recognition of Service Full-size or a certificate of certification. We are expected give a certificate to anyone when ordained to the gospel ministry or ordained to the office of a deacon, certificate of membership when baptized into membership into the Christian church, or a certificate of marriage at a marriage ceremony. We are to also to give certificates as recognition at formal occasions graduations as evidence of completed courses or promotions.
Certificates offer the recipients a way to validate there successful completion of a course their status or authority to perform certain capacity. For instance, if a minister is visiting a hospital after visiting hours (hospital visiting hours do not always fit the schedule of the minister) he will be permitted to do so after normal visiting hours, when there are situations that require his visit.
Make your expressions of delegated authority, recognition of service and expressions of love special by using the Certificate of Recognition of Service Full-size designed to meet those occasions using beautifully designed certificates offered by International Bibles, in the auxiliaries of your church. Full size certificate of appreciation recognition are 11” x 8 1/2” in size and Pocket size or wallet-size certificates are 3 1/2" x 2 1/2". Blank space is provided on the certificates to identify the various fields of recognitions so your church can personalize them. There is a variety of designs from traditional to contemporary, printed on high-quality paper and Ideal for framing.
QTY Click Image to enlarge
0057.jpg (10135 bytes) 0057 Appreciation (Church) $4.50
0056.jpg (8775 bytes) 0056 In Recognition of Service $4.50
0058.jpg (9817 bytes) 0058 Church Membership $4.50
0059.jpg (16565 bytes) 0059 Deacon's $4.50
0059.jpg (16565 bytes) 0061 Deacon's (Wallet) $3.25
0062.jpg (12224 bytes) 0062 Baptism $4.50
0063 Baptism (Wallet) $3.25
0064.jpg (9316 bytes) 0064 Appreciation (Christian Service) $4.50
0066.jpg (11719 bytes) 0066 License to Preach $4.50
0067.jpg (43055 bytes) 0067 License to Preach (Wallet) $3.25
0068.jpg (54314 bytes) 0068 Ordination $4.50
0069.jpg (50868 bytes) 0069 Ordination (Wallet) $3.25
22001 Promotion $4.50



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