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This is Our Story

Daniell B Stewart
Since 1983, International Bibles has been supplying churches across America with the basic elements that make the church experience familiar. We make our living selling hymnals, pew bibles, Sunday school quarterlies and other paraphernalia — all of the supplies a church needs to honor the sacred traditions of worship and a spiritual life.

It is a mission rooted in the roots of our own personal faith traditions in the black church. For hundreds of years, these institutions have stood rock solid in the small towns and urban centers we have called home during the joys and sorrows of our American experience.

More than just Sunday morning recharging stations; these congregations have christened and taught our children, shepherding them in the values that make us unique. They have married our young people in love, providing guidance and support through lifetimes of ups and downs. They have buried our elders at the end of the journey.

They have been our record-keepers, our social organizers, and our command centers as troubled times have required.
They are a glue that has held our communities together.

We are persuaded this is legacy worth guarding.

And International Bibles will.
First, by continuing to serve congregations large and small with all the little things that make the black church experience a vital part of life in America.
And just as importantly, by taking a much more active role in honoring the history, celebrating the achievements and milestones, and investing our resources in preserving and sharing the story and legacy of the black church into the future.
We invite you to get to know us. Tell us about your black church experience. Join our ongoing celebration of this powerful past and brilliant future.

International Bibles. Guardian of the legacy.



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