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Amazing Facts Bible Study Online How would you like to receive a free tape of one of Pastor Doug Batchelor?s messages each month? It?s easy. Sign up here, and we? will send you his monthly newsletter about the vision, plans, and needs of Amazing Facts ministries. Each month you? will receive an offer for a new tape or other resource to enhance your walk with the Lord. When you respond with the enclosed reply card, you? will receive the gift tape of the month.

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Ellen G. White Estates When Ellen G. White died in 1915, her will indicated that she left the care of her writings to five trustees, men in whom she had confidence. They were given custody of her letters and manuscripts, and they were charged with overseeing and promoting the circulation of her writings, both in English and in other languages as needed, and with publishing topical collections from her writings to meet future needs as they saw fit. Such compilations now slightly outnumber the original 49 books published during Mrs. White's lifetime.

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Sabbath School Network and Bible Study Center (SSNET)

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