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Lawton Tabs for Multiple Uses

Month Tabs for Schedules. Month Tabs for Schedules.

Use Month Tabs for your schedules, calendars, journals, etc. Fast to use, easy to install, and a real time saver. JAN-FEB-MAR-APR-MAY-JUN-JUL-AUG-SEP-OCT-NOV-DEC.

Book of 72 tabs, 6 tabs for each month
6 sets of
Number Tabs for dates and days of the month. Number Tabs for dates and days of the month.

Clear plastic self adhesive. Set of 32 Tabs: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20-21-22-23-24-25-26-27-28-29-30-31 + (blank spare).
220 Set of 32 tabs $4.20
Alphabetical tabs for telephone directories. Alphabetical tabs for telephone directories.

Clear plastic self adhesive tabs: A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I-J-K-L-M-N-O-P-Q-R-S-T-U-V-W, XYZ + 7 information section tabs + 5 blank personal use tabs.
15 Set of 36 tabs $3.30
Speeds use of Zip Code Directory, Filing Systems and Atlas. Speeds use of Zip Code Directory, Filing Systems and Atlas.

Clear plastic pressure sensitive. State Tabs for zip code directories. Set of 48 Tabs: AL-AK-AZ-AR-CA-CO-CT-DE-CD-FL-GA- HI/ID-IL-IN-IA-KS-KY-LA-ME-MD-MA-MI- MN-MS-MO-MT-NE-NV/NH-NJ-NM-NY-NC-ND- OH-OK-OR-PA-PR/RI-SC-SD-TN-TX-UT/VT-VA-WA-WV-WI-WY.
700 Set of 48 tabs $6.50
Let your fingers "walk faster" with Alpha Tabs. Let your fingers "walk faster" with Alpha Tabs.

Clear plastic self adhesive Alphabetical Index Tabs for both white and yellow page sections turns walking fingers into running fingers. Useful for International Mail Manuals (IMM).

Sets of A - W, XYZ - $
10 24 tabs $2.85



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