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Spanish Bible Tabs



Heritage Products, Spanish Verse Finder Bible Tabs, with an overlapping design that can index a standard Bible in only two rows. SPANISH VERSE FINDERS; Tab extends 1/2" from page edge. Overlapping design can index a standard Bible in only two rows. Set includes extra tabs for the Catholic Canons.
64007 Spanish Old & New Testament 85 Black $4.99

Instant Index: White opaque tabs with black type and white background.

74015X Spanish white tabs with black type 1" 77 Black $4.99
For any size Spanish Bible from 7 to 12 inches; includes 85 gold-edged tabs for old and new testaments including catholic books. Spanish rainbow tabs include 77 tabs. All tabs are pre-cut to 1" size and self-adhesive.
58337 Spanish - large print old & new testament including catholic books 85 Gold $4.99
58347 Spanish rainbow - old & new testament tabs 77 Assorted $4.99
58340 Spanish - old & new testament including catholic books 85 Gold $4.99


A new revolution of Bible indexing tabs is finally here! Unlike other tabs, the bell shaped SAFE-TAB meets the edge of the Bible page at 45oinstead of 90o. The 45oangle of contact evenly disburses the stress point on the Bible page, thereby preventing paper tears.
86425 76 Old and New Testament tabs 76 Gold $4.50



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