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Quality Costume Children's Pendants

These quality costume children's pendants are cast in solid pewter, hand polished, and then "triple-dip" plated in 22Kt gold or rhodium plated. Every pendant is completed with a carefully selected chain that complements the design and is presented in a small, white jewelry box. Each link in the chain is individually soldered for added strength.

SPCN: 510-311-5891


510-303-8021.jpg (16525 bytes)

Our quality costume bracelets are hand polished and "triple-dip" plated in 22Kt gold or rhodium plated. Each bracelet comes in an attractive box.

SPCN: 510-303-8021


Designed especially for children, these pewter pendants are great Easter gifts. "Just For Me" is a cheery collection of jewelry created with children in mind. Designed as reminders of God's love, these pendants are a wonderful way to let children know how special they are. Each solid pewter pendant hangs from an 18" ball chain and is individually carded.

SPCN 510-328-0590




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