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Being A Deacon Today

Being A Deacon Today Being a Deacon Today: Exploring a Distinctive Ministry in the Church and in the World
Author Rosalind Brown
Publisher Church Publishing, Inc., 2005
ISBN 0819222011, 9780819222015
Length 139 pages

In very practical and helpful terms, Rosalind Brown explores what it means to be a deacon in today's church. All too often the time spent as a deacon is seen simply as the prelude to priestly ordination. Yet the Bible defines three orders of ministry - deacon, priest, and bishop - each with its own distinctive characteristics and responsibilities.

In Being A Deacon Today, Brown explores the three places where deacons minister (the church, the world, and at the margins), the three strands of their ministry (in liturgy, in pastoral care, and as catechists), and the three actions of their ministry (praying, loving, and remembering).

This book, excellent for classroom use and for transitional and permanent deacons, will restore a fuller understanding of the diaconal ministry and nurture deacons in their work and spiritual life.






9780819222015 Paper white $9.00



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