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Called to serve

Called to serve Called to Serve: A Spirituality for Deacons
By: Phyllis Zagano
ISBN: 0764811339 ISBN-13: 9780764811333
Publisher: Liguori Pubns (2004-04)
Paperback | 45 Pages | List Price: $3.95
Product Dimensions: 6.98 x 4.34 x 0.12 inches

What is the special role of the deacon in the Church today? How can a deacon cultivate a spirituality appropriate to that role? Author Phyllis Zagano offers an approachable introduction to a theology and spirituality for today's deacon. - See more at: http://www.liguori.org/called-to-serve.html#sthash.BIbxaKdc.dpuf
What is the special role of the deacon in the Church today? How can a deacon cultivate a spirituality appropriate to that role? Author Phyllis Zagano offers an approachable introduction to a theology and spirituality for today's deacon. - See more at: http://www.liguori.org/called-to-serve.html#sthash.BIbxaKdc.dpuf
What is the special role of the deacon in the Church today? How can a deacon cultivate a spirituality appropriate to that role? Author Phyllis Zagano offers an approachable introduction to a theology and spirituality for today's deacon.






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