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Empowerment for Ministry

Empowerment for Ministry Empowerment for Ministry: A Complete Manual on Diocesan Faculties for Priests, Deacons, and Lay Ministers
By: John M. Huels
ISBN: 0809141264 ISBN-13: 9780809141265
Publisher: Paulist Pr (2003-11)
Paperback | 304 Pages | List Price: $27.95
Product Dimensions: 8.98 x 6.3 x 0.78 inches

Empowerment for Ministry is a must-have reference book that provides a comprehensive treatment of diocesan faculties for priests, deacons, and lay ministers. It develops a coherent theory of the juridical nature and the delegation of faculties; identifies and organizes the pertinent rules of canon law and the canonical tradition on the grant, supply, use, and cessation of diocesan faculties; and offers model faculties and commentaries on them for clergy, lay ministers, and chancery officials.






9780805435122 Paper white $18.95



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