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Devotional Warm-Ups for the Church Choir
Isbn: 0825444233
Isbn-13: 9780825444234
Author: Osbeck Kenneth
Publisher: Kregel Publications
Price: 8.99
A variety of 43 brief, challenging
devotionals on 10 different musically-oriented
topics. Designed to provide spiritually
stimulating material for church choir members,
both individually and as a group.
Written by: Kenneth W. Osbeck
Just as the ministry of preaching requires preparation of the heart and mind of the minister, so to do choir members need to prepare their hearts and voices to be attuned to the work of the Holy Spirit through them. Leading music minister Ken Osbeck provides devotionals that adapt easily for use as preparation of heart and soul in rehearsals or just before the choir performance. Each "warm up" includes a scripture reading, an applied devotional reading, a pertinent idea for group discussion and engagement, a suggestion for group singing, a meditative prayer, and a final take--away thought.