outlines several Communist goals in
the film:
"Inside the
book (The Naked Communist),
it documented 45 current Communist
goals, from 1958. And as I slowly
read through the list, seeing how
specific their agenda had been to
subvert us on the inside, I couldn't
believe it! They'd accomplished
almost every single one of them. And
nobody seemed to be noticing!"
Former Idaho Legislator, Curtis
Goal #17
Get control of the schools. Use them
as transmission belts for Socialism.
Soften the curriculum. Get control
of Teacher Associations.
Goal #20,21
Infiltrate the press. Gain control
of key positions in radio, TV and
motion pictures.
Goal #24
Eliminate all laws governing
obscenity by calling them
"censorship" and a violation of free
speech and free press.
Goal #25
Break down cultural standards of
morality by promoting pornography in
books, magazines, motion pictures,
and TV.
Goal #26
Present homo-sexuality, degeneracy,
and promiscuity as "normal, natural,
Goal #27
Infiltrate the churches and replace
revealed religion with "social"
religion. Discredit the Bible.
Goal #28
Eliminate prayer in the schools on
the grounds that it violates the
principle of "Separation of Church
and State."
Goal #40
Discredit the family as an
institution. Encourage promiscuity
and easy divorce.