Theme: Mormonism
The validity of Mormonism
stands or falls on the testimony of Joseph
Smith. Here is his story, revealing the man
for what he really was. Calling himself the
“second Muhammad,†Smith was an
occultic opportunist, fond of the ladies
(lots of them!), who blended Masonic rituals
into his temple rituals.
The story is a fascinating
one, filled with incredible quotes from
Smith himself. After people read this
illustrated book, they will not be
vulnerable to the Mormon recruiters!
Read the incredible story of
how Joseph Smith founded Mormonism. It's a
story of intrigue, murder, lust and greed. A
few months after marrying the first of his
28 wives, Joseph Smith began to build his
religion on a set of golden plates that he
claimed had been given to him by a
mysterious spirit.
As his power and number of
followers grew, he formed a death squad
called "The Danites." Later these
"enforcers" became known as the "Avenging
Angels." With their backing, Smith began to
flex his muscles, becoming fierce with pride
and boldness.