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Cooking Entrees with the Micheff Sisters

0816321353.jpg (17369 bytes) Cooking Entrees with the Micheff Sisters
Micheff Sisters

Price: US $16.99 Quantity

Paperback 144 pages Copyright: 2006
Pacific Press Publishing Association ISBN: 0816321353

Once again, the Micheff sisters combine their kitchen know-how this time to bring you delicious, elegant entrees made with vegan ingredients.

Filled with more than 120 mouth-watering recipes for fabulous main dishes, this new collection is a must for any cookbook shelf.

Whether you're new to vegetarian cuisine, or an accomplished cook looking for new recipes to please your family and friends, you'll find these delectable dishes just to your taste. Choose Mushroom Pecan Burgers, Mock Crab Cakes, or Sweet Potato Ravioli as your main dish, and these best-selling cookbook authors will show you how to put a fantastic dinner on the table tonight, with a minimum of fuss and a maximum of flavor!





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