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Juice Power Cookbook

Juice Power Cookbook
Teoorah Shaleahk

Price: US $9.95 Quantity

Paperback 96 pages
Copyright: 2005
Distributed by Pacific Press Publishing Association
ISBN: 1570671680

People in our society as a whole have become sicker, more depressed, more obese, and more dependent on medications and prescriptions drugs than at any other time in our history. It's time for a change! It's time to unleash the natural healing properties of juices.

In this power-packed book, Teoorah Shaleahk introduces us to nourishing juices with colorful names like Mango Melody, and Hazelnut Heaven. Experiment with the recipes, get your blender on, and drink your way to health. Cleanse your body, trim your waist, strengthen your immune system, relax your nerves, increase your energy level, develop more stamina, memory, clarity, and focus using delicious juices for any taste, occasion, or lifestyle



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