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Things They Never Taught Me

0828019789.jpg (10442 bytes) Things They Never Taught Me (young adult)
Tompaul Wheeler

Price: $10.99
Paperback Book
160 pages
Copyright: 2006
Review & Herald Publishing
ISBN: 0828019789

Why are some of the worst people the most religious?

What's the real deal on prophecy and the end-times?

What makes Christianity different--and why is so much of it a dis-grace?

How come God seems so different in the New Testament than the Old testament?

What's the big deal about sex?

What's the meaning of life?

Who is God really?

Life is full of questions, and most of the time religion only makes it more confusing. It's time to cut through the distortion and focus on what's really important. Too often religion seems irrelevant, irrational, and hypocritical. The reality is much different--and something you can truly believe in and live for.

Things They Never Taught Me will shake you up. Lift you up. Wake you up to what you missed the first time around. Engaging. Entertaining. Funny and fresh. From hypocrisy to sexuality, this devotional tackles the biggest questions about life and religion, delivers real answers that don't rely on clichés, and doesn't shy away from truth.


0828019789 Hardcover $10.99



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