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52 Instant Skits

52 Instant Skits

52 Instant Skits
Paul McCusker; Monarch Books, Publisher
Dimensions: 5 x 7.75 iinches
Format: Paperback
Length: 256 pages


One-minute plays to provoke and ponder from the producer of Focus on the Family's Adventures in Odyssey radio program. Packed full of quick skits, this book provides fifty-two ready-made dramas perfect for youth groups, camps, or as accompaniment to a sermon. All are easily staged and acted, fast-paced, and filled with wit and irony. Each has a series of discussion starters to get people talking about the message. The skits are arranged alphabetically by theme. Topics include love and relationships, godliness, accountability, and consumerism. Each item specifies themes, context, setting, and cast. All require little rehearsal and can even be read by actors. This book was specifically commissioned because of the success of 52 Quick Sketches, which is now in its 4th printing.

Permission to photocopy these skits for ministry use is included
  • Great discussion starters
  • Experienced youth drama writer
  • Plays are easily staged and acted
  • Coherent and topically focused






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