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Selected Messages, Book Two

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Selected Messages, Book 2
Ellen G. White

Hardcover Book
512 pages
Review & Herald Publishing

From "A Word to the Reader"

The counsels contained in this volume will be of particular value to Seventh-day Adventists in preparing them to resist the attacks that the adversary of souls will bring upon the remnant church in the form of fanaticism, deceptive teachings, and erroneous and subversive movements. In some cases the counsels are set forth in specific instruction to individuals, and the points presented deal with similar issues that are sure to arise before the end.

Some of these materials will prove helpful in averting dangers that threaten the church as a whole. Other general counsels deal with such questions as unwise affiliations, the remuneration of workers, and healing, true and false.

A feature that will be particularly appreciated is Section VII, "The Use of Medicinal Agencies." The statements appearing in this section, drawn from E. G. White sources and assembled here, will be of service to the reader as he studies the question of the use of drugs. (See detailed description of book 1 for additional information on the publication of Selected Messages, books 1 and 2.)
0828010420 Hardcover white $12.99



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