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Journalistic Fraud

Journalistic Fraud
Journalistic Fraud: How the New York Times Distorts the News and Why It Can No Longer Be Trusted
By: Bob Kohn
ISBN:0785261044 ISBN-13:9780785261049
Publisher: Thomas Nelson (2003-08-12)
Hardcover | First Edition Edition | 336 Pages | List Price: $25.99
Product Dimensions: 9.13 x 6.57 x 1.11 inches

For over a hundred years, the New York Times has purported to present straight news and hard facts. But, as Bob Kohn shows with absolute clarity, the founders' original vision has been hijacked, and today, instead of straight news, readers are given mere editorial under the pretense of objective journalism. Kohn shows point by point the methods by which the Times' mission has been subverted by the present management-routinely slanting the presentation of the facts in leads, headlines, and placement; utilizing polls, labels, and loaded language to convey particular views, not genuine news; and staffing the newsroom with hacks who manipulate information to further a leftist agenda. Kohn shows how such fraudulence directly corrupts hundreds of news agencies across the world; and by revealing all their methods of manipulation, he teaches readers how to decipher the slants in even the subtlest of cases, providing an entertaining and enlightening lesson in fraud-busting.

al-Gore should take heed
It''s funny how, by virtue of controlling the media and having the pacifist Euro crowd love you, a lying hypocrite with an agenda can win the Nobel "Peace" Prize, and poor Bob Kohn, with his meticulous research and a VERY noble cause, gets little notice. Welcome to the Orwellian World of 2007.

My father grew up pouring through "The Grey Lady" each day. Like most of his friends, liberal or conservative, he stopped reading this rag a few years back. He didn''t need news stories turned into anti-american op-eds by a clever staff of New School alumni lunatics who place, omit, add, and throw in subjective words wherever they find fit, simply to please their left wing elite establishment. Is it any wonder the Muslim Jihadists quote from the NY Crimes? Was the fact that their former ombudsman confirmed an inherent lefty bias not enough? Was the firing of affirmative action reporters who made up stories in their apartment not enough? What else? This paper has less credibility than any of your local weekly fish wraps. Sadly though, since most city papers get their international stories from the Times, and Starbucks and every public or collegiate library has a subscription, these Marxists are still sailing along arrogantly, giving away national security secrets, burying pro-american stories, leading with stories about the "poor Muslims," etc. They are the worst. And looking at the reviews of Kohn''s book, you can tell these vapid, negative reviewers did not read it. If they did, they''d never be able to stomach opening that blue bag ever again. Instead, they ignore and spew hatred. A typical quality of leftists.

I penned an article about the NY Crimes last year after I thought they''d hit a new low. (That was before they defaced General Petraus and much else. Hyperlinks were included in original article, but not on Amazon review.)








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