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Center of The Storm

Center of the Storm Center of The Storm
By: Katherine Harris
ISBN:0785264434 ISBN-13:9780785264439
Publisher: WND Books (2002-09-03)
Hardcover | 304 Pages | List Price: $22.99
Product Dimensions: 9.13 x 6.57 x 1.11 inches

The battle for the White House following the election of November 7, 2000, was arguably one of the biggest controversies in U.S. history. And one woman stood at the center of the storm-Katherine Harris, Florida's secretary of state.

As the Florida recount unfolded in a maze of bizarre events, Harris was faced with the challenge of a lifetime. What enabled her to maintain her integrity, stick by her guns, and hold true to her principles? Here she tells all.

In Center of the Storm, Harris discusess the behind-the-scenes negotiations and backroom bartering that everyone suspected, but no one dared disclose. Through never-told-before anecdotes, she reveals seventeen essential skills that helped her not just survive but thrive. She clearly illustrates how we, too, can learn these skills that will help us in times of crises.








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