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Crazy Makers

Crazy Makers Crazy Makers: Getting Along with the Difficult People in Your Life
By: Paul Meier Robert L. Wise Paul Meier M.D.(Contributor) Robert L. Wise Ph.D.(Contributor)
ISBN:0785278702 ISBN-13:9780785278702
Publisher: Thomas Nelson (2001-03-13)
Hardcover | First Edition Edition | 250 Pages | List Price: $19.99
Product Dimensions: 8.8 x 5.46 x 0.94 inches

Living with insensitive, tactless, careless, inattentive, difficult, self-absorbed, neglectful, damaging, condemning, harsh, hard, treacherous, deceiving, prejudiced, and paralyzing people?can make you crazy!

Chances are, there's at least one person like that in your life right now-a person who is always right. Behavior ranges from indifference and unconcern to complete narcissism and destruction.

Dr. Paul Meier and Dr. Robert Wise created this important text to assist you in recognizing this behavior and dealing with it. Their most important message: It's not you! It's them! The doctors' insight will help you understand how narcissistic people think and how they affect those around them. Finally, they offer Seven Steps to help you walk out of a crisis with someone like this.








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