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The New Strong's Exhaustive Concordance

The New Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible: Large Print Edition
By: James Strong
ISBN-10: 0785212183    ISBN-13: 9780785212188
Publisher: Thomas Nelson - 1996-02-29
Hardcover | 1968 Pages | 
Product Dimensions: 11 x 8.7 x 2.6 inches


With over half a million copies sold, The New Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible is now available in the only truly enlarged-type edition. Newly typeset, updated, with corrected text throughout, including the Greek and Hebrew dictionaries.
0785212183 Hardcover



9780899223827.jpg (39978 bytes) Nueva Concordancia Strong Exhaustiva
Por: James Strong
ISBN-10: 0899223826 ISBN-13: 9780899223827
Editorial: Thomas Nelson - 2002-03-15
Hardcover | 1530 Páginas | Dimensiones: 10,8 x 8,6 x 2,1 pulgadas

La Concordancia Strong ha sido la preferida de pastores, eruditos y estudiantes biblicos de habla inglesa durante mas de un siglo. Ahora Editorial Caribe se complace en presentarla en castellano. A traves de ella uno puede no solo encontrar el versiculo en que aparece la palabra que busca, sino tambien saber cual fue la palabra hebrea o griega que asi se tradujo y los diversos significados de la misma en su uso original.

9780899223827 Hardcocer



The New Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible: Large Print Edition 
By: James Strong 
ISBN-10: 0785212183 ISBN-13: 9780785212188 
Publisher: Thomas Nelson - 1996-02-29
Hardcover | 1968 Pages | Dimensions: 11 x 8.7 x 2.6 inches

For over a century, Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible has been the reference of choice for pastors, scholars, students, and for personal study. And now this newly revised and updated edition improves on success with these enhanced features:

*The only truly enlarged type format of any exhaustive Bible concordance-lets you study longer without eyestrain.

*Strong's entries with multiple numbers referencing Hebrew and Greek words are cited in full.

*New, more readable typesetting of the Greek and Hebrew dictionaries complete with hundreds of corrections, updated entries, clarifications, and consistent abbreviations

*All words of Christ appear in boldface type for quick identification

*Unique Fan-Tab Thumb-Index Reference System

*Complete and unabridged-lists every occurrence of every word.

0785212183 Hardcover White


9780785250562.jpg (42097 bytes) New Strong's Exhaustive Concordance (Super Value Series)
By: James Strong
ISBN-10: 0785250565    ISBN-13: 9780785250562
Publisher: Thomas Nelson - 2003-05-23
Hardcover | 1920 Pages | List Price: $15.97 (USD) | Sales Rank: 31208
Product Dimensions: 9.3 x 6.7 x 2.2 inches

The classic Bible reference tool for more than a century - now in a limited edition deluxe gift format

9780785250562 Hardcover White




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