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Strong's Complete Word Study Concordance

Strong's Complete Word Study Concordance: Expanded Edition

By: Warren Baker
ISBN-10: 0899571263    ISBN-13: 9780899571263
Publisher: CLW Communications/AMG - 2004-06-25
Hardcover | 2160 Pages | Dimensions: 9.1 x 7.7 x 2.5 inches


For more than one century, students of Gods Word have turned to Strongs Concordance for basic identifications of the Greek and Hebrew words behind the words of the English Bible. The Strongs Concordance has been a basic tool for researching specific words and topics for over 100 years.
AMG Publishers began more than 25 years ago to publish word study materials based on Strongs numbering system.
Now, AMG Publishers has combined the meat of their word study materials with the Strongs Concordance to form Strongs Complete Word Study Concordance: Expanded Edition. A word studies section gives extended definitions of key Hebrew and Greek words. These extended and amplified definitions are an important advances for students who use the Strongs Concordance as a research tool to discover the meanings of Greek and Hebrew words.
Plus, there is an index of proper names giving the meaning and first occurrence of nearly every proper name in the Bible.
Special Features include:
§ The texts of the concordance and Strongs Greek and Hebrew dictionaries have been reset in clear, easy-to-read type.

  • Word studies for key Hebrew and Greek words, arranged by Strongs numbers
  • An index of proper names gives the meaning and first occurrence of the proper names used in the King James Version of the Bible 


9780899571263 Paperback white $34.99



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