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Nature in a Nutshell

0828016690.jpg (15294 bytes) Nature in a Nutshell
Elaine Egbert

Price: $13.99
Hardcover Book
384 pages
Copyright: 2003
Review & Herald Publishing
ISBN: 0828016690

Riddle: What do wombats, octopuses, and Tasmanian devils have in common?

Answer: They're all here!

Two of our all-time greatest junior devotionals were Windows on God's World (1975), and the sequel, Glimpses of God's Love (1983), both by James and Priscilla Tucker. Since then readers have searched long and hard for another exciting, fact-packed nature devotional.

At last the wait is over!

Pressed down, shaken together, and running over with amazing facts from the world of wild, Elaine Egbert's daily devotions for juniors are sure to delight and intrigue. With a keen knowledge of the naturalworld, the author shows how every dancing daffodil, sparkling star, and frolicking critter reveals something new and wonderful about the Creator. These nature-in-a-nutshell nuggets will whet your taste for God.








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