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The Grimy-Slimy Bug Safari (Topsy-Turvy Tracy)

The Grimy-Slimy Bug Safari 

The Grimy-Slimy Bug Safari (Topsy-Turvy Tracy) 

By: Susie Taylor Tammie Lyon (Illustrator) 
Format: Hardcover
Number of Pages: 40
Vendor: Zonderkidz
Publication Date: 2004
Dimensions: 9 X 10.75 (inches)
ISBN: 031070443X
ISBN-13: 9780310704430

Product description
Topsy-Turvy Tracy is an adventurous girl. She goes on safari to find lots of bugs. Big ones, small ones--it doesn't matter what kind, but somehow Tracy ends up hanging upside-down. Of course, she finds a way to make it fun, but soon realizes it's better to hunt bugs with both feet on the ground. 
Children will love this funny, rhyming tale about a little girl named Tracy and her upside-down world. And just like Tracy, children will lean that God planned it best when he made the world right side up. Recommended for ages 4 to 8. 




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