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Tale of Two Sumos, A VeggieTales Picture Book

Tale of Two Sumos, A VeggieTales Picture Book

Tale of Two Sumos, A VeggieTales Picture Book
By: Karen Poth 
More in VeggieTales Series
Zonderkidz / 2004 / Hardcover

Format: Hardcover
Number of Pages: 32
Vendor: Zonderkidz
Dimensions: 11 X 8.50 (inches)
ISBN: 0310709334
ISBN-13: 9780310709336
UPC: 025986709334
Availability: In Stock
Ages: 4-8 
Retail: $9.99 

Product description
VeggieTales presents the Tale of Two Sumos, staring Larry the Cucumber as the Italian Scallion. This cucumber turned scallion faces the challenge of his life--a match against the meanest and toughest, belly-bumping contender of all time--Apollo Gourd. This entertaining lesson in perseverance will push the Italian Scallion on a path of amazing discovery. Can he endure the intense physical training needed to get in the ring? Can he come through with a promise he made to his friend? Can he overcome Apollo Gourd's dreadful belly bump? For the first time in his life, can the Italian Scallion finish what he starts? Find out in this hilarious adventure that will teach kids that God wants us to finish what we start, even when it's hard to do! Recommended for ages 4 to 8.




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