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The Fourth Wiseman

The Fourth Wiseman

The Fourth Wiseman
By: Mary Joslin 
David C. Cook / 2007 / Hardcover
Format: Hardcover
Number of Pages: 26
Vendor: David C. Cook
Publication Date: 2007
Dimensions: 10.88 X 8.50 X 0.30 (inches)
ISBN: 0781445450
ISBN-13: 9780781445450
Retail: $14.99 

Product description
Four wise astronomers see a new star in the sky, and they know that a king has been born. They must go and worship him! But what sort of presents should they take to such a child? Three of them choose splendid and meaningful gifts, but the fourth wise man has trouble choosing just the right one. As they travel in search of the newborn king, he wonders and worries about what he can give to the special King. When they finally find the child, the fourth wise man finds just the right gift. This heartwarming retelling of a French legend shows that there is more to Christmas than anything money can buy. Recommended for ages 5 to 9.




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