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Baptism Robes - Pastor's Baptism Robe

These robes combines the beauty and drape of the finest gowns. Suitable for men, women, and children. Machine wash and tumble dry. Generous pleats extend around yoke to front. Pleats at center front and back give added fullness. Front is made of double thickness. Culottes' jump suit style stays down without weights.
Culotte Baptismal Robes for Women
Jumpsuit Baptismal Robes for Men
Pastor's Baptismal Robe
Culotte Baptismal Robes for Children
Jumpsuit Baptismal Robes for Men
Pastor's Baptismal Robe
Pastor's Baptismal Robe
Pleated baptismal gowns for children
Pleated Baptismal Gowns for Men
Pastor's Baptismal Robe Culotte Baptismal Robe for Women, Small  - Pleated Baptismal Gowns for Men


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