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Pastor's Baptismal Robes - white

Pastor's baptismal Robes white
This Pastor's Baptismal Robe is both durable and functional. It is made of sturdy but lightweight twill faille in an easy-care blend to minimize wrinkles in drying. All pastor's baptismal robes have rustproof zippers and weights in the hem, cuffed sleeves with velcro, full-draped cartridge fluting and generous front panels. These garments can be machine washed and tumbled dry.

Though made of a dense material to reduce transparency when wet, it is suggested that light colored clothes be worn under these garments. Purchase according to desired a) height regular or large. Please consider chest measurements, height, and weight when purchasing.

Yoke: Large

Weight: 3.500
Cover Color: Brown/Blue
Product Color: white
Package Quantity: 1
Packaging: cardboard tube
Price: $159.99





Height: 6'3

tall, white, large Color: white


Height: 6'3

Tall, White, Regular Color: white

Height: 5'8

short, white, regular Color: white
97808054100092 Height: 5'8 regular, white, reg. Color: white
97808054100030 Height: 6'4 6'6 extra-tall, white, large Color: white
97808054100016 Height: 5'8 regular, white, large Color: white



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