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Bible Movie: In The Beginning (DVD)

Bible Collection; Genesis (DVD)

Bible Collection: Genesis-DVD

The story begins with the creation of man and woman, the sin committed by Adam and Eve, and their banishment from Paradise. The story continues with the first crime committed by mankind, Cain's murder of his brother, the condemnation of God, and mankind's corruption and evil. The choice of Noah, a just and upright man, to build the Ark, the flood and its clearing the way for a new mankind, the pact of the eternal Covenant between God and all living beings, are told through the clear and simple words of an old nomad shepherd.

DVD Features:
Subtitles: Spanish, English
Closed Captioned
Viewing Format: Fullscreen
Audio: Stereo

Time: 1 hr 33 min | Production Year: 1994





7459D DVD $24.95



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