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King of Kings Movies





King of Kings
King of Kings

Jeffrey Hunter stars in this beautifully filmed life of Christ. Panoramic scenes of battles between Roman legions and Judean rebels contrast with the serene faith of Jesus. Includes scenes of Christ's Sermon on the Mount, His selection of the apostles, His Passion, Crucifixion and Ascension. The life of Christ with simplicity, taste and reverence.

Samuel Bronson's Production co-starring Jeffrey Hunter

DVD Features :
Languages: English, French
Subtitles: English, French, Spanish
Viewing Format: Widescreen
Sound: Dolby Digital
Scene Access
Bonus Material:
- Interactive Menus
- Theatrical Trailer
- Cast & Crew

Time: 2 hrs 50 min | Production Year:




King of King Musical King of Kings-Musical

This inspiring two-hour program produced by Reader's Digest brings to life the songs that celebrate the story of Jesus, from His birth, to His ministry, to His death and resurrection. You'll walk in Jesus' footsteps, witness the events of His life, and see wondrous masterpieces of art that pay Him homage, while you listen to beloved hymns, inspiring songs and majestic sacred music. King of Kings is an unforgettable experience that will touch the whole family as you appreciate anew the wonder of Jesus as man and as King of Kings, Lord of Lords.

DVD Features:
Language: English
Subtitles: None
Viewing Format: Full screen
Song Selection

Hymns and songs include:
O Come, O Come Emmanuel; Ave Maria; Oh, Little Town of Bethlehem; Is There A Place?; Away in a Manger; O Holy Night; Angels We Have Heard on High; We Three Kings; What Child is This?; Joy to the World; Escape to Egypt; I Walked Today Where Jesus Walked; Jesus in the Temple; Deep River; How Great Thou Art; I Wonder As I Wander; Nearer My God to Thee; Wade in the Water; I Believe; He Touched Me; The Women at the Well; In Paradisum; Jesus Loves the Little Children; You'll Never Walk Alone; Amen; Jesu, Joy of Man's Desire; Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee; The Holy City; The Lord's Prayer; O Lord Most Holy; Via Dolorosa; Agnus Dei; Were You There When They Crucified My Lord?; Holy, Holy, Holy; Hallelujah Chorus.

Time: 2 hrs | Production Year:

80579D DVD $24.99
King of Kings VHS King of Kings

This inspiring two-hour program produced by Reader's Digest brings to life the songs that celebrate the story of Jesus, from His birth, to His ministry, to His death and resurrection. You'll walk in Jesus' footsteps, witness the events of His life, and see wondrous masterpieces of art that pay Him homage, while you listen to beloved hymns, inspiring songs and majestic sacred music. King of Kings is an unforgettable experience that will touch the whole family as you appreciate anew the wonder of Jesus as man and as King of Kings, Lord of Lords.

Time: 2 hrs | Production Year:

100012 VHS $24.99



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