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New Testament Unabridged
New Testament Unabridged New Testament (KJV, WCB-151, Unabridged, Zippered Carry Case)

Holy Bible: King James Version - New Testament, Vol. 12

by Alexander Scourby

ISBN-10:0529102641 ISBN-13:9780529102645
Publisher: Thomas Nelson - September 1994
Format: Audio- 12 Cassettes

The beautiful language of the KJV is narrated by popular British dramatist Alexander Scourby best known for his eloquent voice. A powerful and classic word-for-word recording of the KJV New Testament without musical background. 12 high quality audio cassettes recorded and digitally mastered in stereo for the ultimate in listening enjoyment. Perfect for the car, in the home, while exercising or relaxing.

0529102641 Bible, 48 Cassettes $34.99



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