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Audio Bibles on Cassettes Compact Discs and DVD's

Audio Cassettes Narrated by Alexander Scourby Audio Cassettes Narrated by Alexander Scourby

The beautiful language of the KJV is narrated by popular British dramatist Alexander Scourby best known for his eloquent voice. A powerful and classic word-for-word recording of the KJV New Testament without musical background.

E. W. Jeffries new Testament Audio: New American Standard E. W. Jeffries new Testament Audio: New American Standard

The New American Standard, Americas best loved translation narrated by the deep voice of E. W. "Red" Jefferies. Let the word of God bring a blessing in your life!

Korean New Testament AudioBilly Kim & Others, Narrators Foreign Language Audio Bibles, Translations of the New Testaments

Foreign Language New Testament in Audio
Your choice in seventeen Bible audio Cassettes

Stephen Johnston narrates KJV 44 Cassettes Audio Bible Stephen Johnston narrates KJV 44 Cassettes Audio Bible

Here is the newest rendition of the popular New King James Version Bible, read word-for-word by award-winning narrator Stephen Johnston over a soft instrumental background

Efrem Zimbalist Jr. KJV 48 Cassettes Audio Bible

Efrem Zimbalist Jr. KJV 48 Cassettes Audio Bible

Efrem Zimbalist Jr. narrators the King James Version, KJV (1611) the most popular translation ever produced



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