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NIV Audio Bible Voice Only CD Charles Taylor Narrator

NIV Audio Bible Voice Only CD Charles Taylor Narrator

NIV Audio Bible Voice Only CD

By: Charles Taylor

ISBN-10:0310920485 ISBN-13:9780310920489
Publisher: Zondervan - 2002-02-01
Format: Audio CD
List price: USD 79.99

The complete Bible---64-CD set includes both Old and New Testaments - New International Version---today's most read, most trusted translation - voice only CD, Charles Taylor narrator, provides a clear, consistent rendering of the Bible text - Digital remastering brings unprecedented clarity and audio quality to this NIV audio Bible - Brief book introductions give you a quick, preparatory overview of each book of the Bible - Location markers make finding and keeping your place as you listen as easy as hitting 'fast-forward' or 'reverse' - Running time 77 hours - Lifetime guarantee stands behind this product's performance




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