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HCSB Experiencing The Word New Testament Listening CDs

HCSB Experiencing The Word New Testament Listening CDs

HCSB Experiencing The Word New Testament Listening CDs
Publisher:B&H Publishing Group
Pub. Date:August 2002
ISBN 10:1586400150
ISBN 13:9781586400156
Translation:Holman Christian Standard
Description:New Testament Only
Binding:Compact Disc
Weight:0.94 lbs
Trim Size:6.42 X 6.68 X 1.69

Set of 16 audio CDs for Experiencing the Word New Testament. Presented with deep warmth and emotion by British actor David Payne, this inspiring set of compact discs allows listeners to savor and ponder the depth of what's being said, taught, or described. These eloquent readings are set against a soothing background of original music. Packed in a convenient carrying case.




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