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Audo Bibles by Various Authors

Audio Bibles in a compact disc format simple audio, or dramatized, read against a gentle background of music enhancement and the deep warmth and emotion by your favorite narrators. These inspiring audio readings of the Bible in a variety of versions allows you to savor and think about the depth of what's being said, taught, or described n the text of the Bible.
Alexander Scourby Charles Taylor David Taylor Steven B Stevens Paul Mims
0529115026.jpg (63947 bytes) NIV Audio Bible NT Voice Only CD HCSB Experiencing The Word New Testament Listening CDs The Amplified Audio Bible on CD The Spoken Word of God
Eric Martin Johnny Cash New Testament DVD Max Mclean Multiple Voice Stephen Johnston
Eric Martin Audio Bible on CD Johnny Cash reading the NKJV Bible with songs The Listener's Bible - English Standard Version (ESV) The Bible Alive! New Testament: New Living Translation (NLT) 0899577121.jpg (41364 bytes)


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