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Spanish Audio Bibles On Compact Discs
Reina-Valera Revision

Reina-Valera Revision Spanish Audio Bibles

The 1960 Reina-Valera Revision, published by the American Bible Society put the Spanish Bible into easily understood language and won quick acceptance in the Spanish speaking world. Samuel Montoya's rich, full voice, style and love for the Gospel make these recordings a treasure of inspiration.

The "Spoken Word of God" in the Spanish language. Over the years, these masterfully narrated renditions by Samuel Montoya have become the classic standards for Bible listening wherever Spanish is the principle language.



1960 Spanish Complete Bible CD
59 compact discs in leather-like case


1960 Spanish Psalms & Proverbs CD
5 compact discs in jewel case


1960 Spanish New Testament CD
15 compact discs in vinyl CD album




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