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ESV New Testament on Audio CDs
Stephen Johnston, Narrator

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ESV New Testament on Audio CDs
English Standard Version New Testament Audio CDs
Stephen Johnston, Narrator
ISBN: 9780899577128
14 CDs in box
MSRP $29.99

The fourteen (14) high quality, digitally mastered CD's are of exceptional quality. They are attractively boxed to keep the price low and to make them extremely affordable.

The English Standard Version (ESV) is a essentially literal translation because every word of the Bible is inspired by God.

Based on this principle, more than sixty of the worlds leading Bible scholars pored over every word and phrase to achieve the unique accuracy, excellence, and beauty of the ESV Bible.

Enjoy hearing the complete New Testament while in the car, at home, or on the go, or in a personal or group Bible study.

The limited lifetime warranty ensures years of listening pleasure.




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